Divine timing

Dear Reader,

Everything takes longer than we imagine, and the new Alchemy of Menopause website was no exception. On the other hand everything happens when it should.

When I began to teach the Alchemy of Menopause nearly nine years ago now, I got some backlash. How dare I talk about menopause as something powerful and positive. Women regularly unsubscribed to the Alchemy of Menopause Instagram when they realized what I was saying. It was frustrating, but I truly believed in menopause as a feminine soul initiation and healing because I experienced it firsthand and witnessed many of the women I was working with healing and connecting with their true power and soul’s journey too. So I stuck with it.

Today, the discourse around menopause is changing. More and more women are stepping out of the victim or disease dialogue and into an empowering one.

So, it now feels like divine timing that I am sharing and shouting from the treetops that yesterday the Alchemy of Menopause’s own stunning website finally went live:


On this website, you can sign up for the email list for menopausealchemy.com (which is separate from the aromagnosis email list), where I'll share news and reflections related to the alchemy of menopause.

On the website, you can also download a pdf of my workbook for the Alchemy of Menopause for free.


The doors are now open for the next 9 week Alchemy of Menopause live-online journey starting on September 6th.

I’m also offering 9 places for a Menopause Retreat here in New Mexico from September 17 to 23.

On the subject of timing, I think we all agree, older women’s wise voices are needed more than ever in the world today.

Join me and find yours!

Many Blessings


Hi we're Cathy Skipper & Florian Birkmayer MD

We combine a deep perspective, incorporating ancestral healing, psychedelic therapy, aromas and a hands-on roadmap of the psyche for transformational healing and growth by getting your ego and shadow to collaborate instead of undermining each other. Remove long-standing blockages and live your best life.

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