Open to the unconscious and it will open to you.

Dear Reader,

As women in midlife, we have choices. We can deny the natural cycles of life and ignore the fact that aging holds great potential, or we can embrace perimenopause and discover the gifts that it holds.

The results of all our choices have consequences. In my opinion, staying unconscious and denying that menopause can be a pathway to a vibrant, transformative, developmental stage in our lives is tragic. It means that we miss out on a journey of deepening awareness of ourselves and our gifts.

By denying menopause, gripping too tightly to our youthfulness, we reject the part of ourselves that will guide us towards the next stage in our lives, that will show us how to find a sense of renewal, insight, empowerment and self-acceptance and love.

Menopause is a holistic experience. It’s not just about aging physically. In fact, that is minor compared to the amazing, eye-opening, unimaginable emotional, mental and spiritual shifts that can occur.

I love seeing women making profound internal changes in how they see themselves, in who they believe they are, in the meanings they give their lives, their goals and their purpose.

What’s hard though is: Until we commit inwardly to the journey into the unconscious and believe in the potential of this transformative process, we can’t know what it is. This profoundly feminine process is unique for each woman and how it shows itself when we believe in its existence. If we are open to the unconscious, it will open to us. The inner work of menopause can’t be described in a series of bullet points or neatly put in a box and tied with a bow.

This is why we need menopause midwives who have travelled the path of menopause, who know intimately how to navigate the underworld and find the hidden treasures. Who have held space for themselves and their own inner journeys of rebirth.

Begin this life-changing and life enhancing journey with The Alchemy of Menopause program that starts on September 6th.
If you’ve already completed the Alchemy of Menopause with me and feel the call to go deeper, discover the next model of transformation, and become a certified Alchemy of Menopause midwife, there are currently three places left on the Menopause Mentorship beginning on the 17th of October.

Menopause is a journey towards wholeness, which comes from discovering and stitching lost pieces of ourselves back together.”



Hi we're Cathy Skipper & Florian Birkmayer MD

We combine a deep perspective, incorporating ancestral healing, psychedelic therapy, aromas and a hands-on roadmap of the psyche for transformational healing and growth by getting your ego and shadow to collaborate instead of undermining each other. Remove long-standing blockages and live your best life.

Read more from Hi we're Cathy Skipper & Florian Birkmayer MD

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