
Hi we're Cathy Skipper & Florian Birkmayer MD

How to change old, stuck patterns of behaviors, emotions and attitudes and move towards healing

Published 6 months ago • 2 min read

Dear Reader,

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it directs your life, and you will call it destiny." - Carl Jung.

It is becoming more and more obvious to us that the unconscious is our partner in healing. It is by “making the unconscious conscious” that we can change old, stuck patterns of behaviors, emotions and attitudes and move towards healing.

Over the years, we have seen time and time again that, given the right conditions, the unconscious will always give us exactly what we need at a specific time. Although many people are frightened or at least wary of the unconscious, it is in fact our best ally.

The surge in interest in therapeutic psychedelics seems to be driven by a way of looking for a short cut to access the unconscious. That is all well a good, but if we haven’t learnt to access it alone, then we are always reliant on the psychedelics to put us into contact with it. And this reliance on an 'outside power' can create an invisible barrier to the sense that the power is within us and is our natural right--for our ego and unconscious to be in healthy sacred union .

In our experience, it is much more valuable to learn to build a solid relationship with one’s unconscious as a path of maturity without needing anything, only our own psyches. This doesn’t mean psychedelics can’t be helpful at times. In fact, we have noticed that those people who tend to get the most of out of them are those who already have a developed relationship with their own unconscious.

So, if the Unconscious is such a great ally to our well-being, what actually is it?

According to Carl Jung, the human psyche is made up of our conscious or ego, and a much larger part that are the personal and collective unconscious.

The Personal Unconscious

Each one of us has our own, unique personal unconscious made up of from our individual thoughts, beliefs, memories, emotions, concepts, behaviors, etc. that are in some way repressed or hidden from our conscious awareness.

What most people do not realize is that what is in our unconscious has much more power and control over us and influences our behaviors and decisions much more than the parts of ourselves we are aware of. This is the main reason why building a continual relationship with the unconscious is so important. Dreams are one way the personal unconscious can communicate with because when we are asleep, our ego awareness is offline and can’t get in the way.

Collective Unconscious

Like the personal unconscious, the collective unconscious contains memories and impulses that we are unaware of. However, in contrast to the personal unconscious, the collective unconscious contains those aspects of the psyche that are common to all of mankind as a whole rather than unique to the individual. The collective unconscious contains archetypes, primordial instincts, impulses, and images.

When I (Cathy) was younger, and I read about shadow work or the unconscious, I was scared of these parts of myself. I didn’t want to go there for fear of what I would find. Later on in life, I was forced into the underworld in order to heal from a lifetime of challenges culminating in a cancer diagnosis that I couldn’t work out the origin of.

Once I befriended my unconscious, I began to heal very deeply and to know myself much more than ever before. Today, I am in constant connection with my unconscious and see it as the wisest aspect of myself.

In the work I do with Florian, we pay particular attention to it in ourselves and our clients, which is why, when we offer consultations, we are able to help people have a breakthrough or 'Aha' moment very quickly instead of becoming long-term clients.

An awareness of the unconscious is also at the heart of the teachings we offer. Have you checked out our 7-month Energy and Alchemy subscription where we take you through the alchemical stages, the unconscious processes of the psyche?

Let us know how you access your unconscious and how its wisdom has helped you!

Many blessings and Happy Dreaming

Cathy and Florian

PS: There's stil time to sign up for our a brief introductory class, online, on the Wounded Healer, which is central to our approach, on November 13 & 20 (2h each).

Hi we're Cathy Skipper & Florian Birkmayer MD

We are teachers & coaches of soul growth to live your best life. We are AromaGnosis.

We combine a deep perspective, incorporating ancestral healing, psychedelic therapy, aromas and a hands-on roadmap of the psyche for transformational healing and growth by getting your ego and shadow to collaborate instead of undermining each other. Remove long-standing blockages and live your best life.

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