
Hi we're Cathy Skipper & Florian Birkmayer MD

Reclaim National Leadership Day

Published 3 months ago • 2 min read

Dear Reader,

Well, what do you know? Today is National Leadership Day here in the United States. Considering the presumptive candidates for the upcoming presidential election are both old white men, even senile and narcissistic, this "leadership day" certainly gives us something to think about.

What do we really need to make sure that there is still a planet left for the next generation, let alone the next seven? How do we share the country’s wealth in a way that everyone has an equal part of the pie? What are the real priorities that need huge amounts of energy and money put into them, e.g. renewable energy and resources, equal education for all, decent healthcare for all,... the list goes on.

Basically, the real question is: Are today’s leaders and the system they are married to, the right ones? Are they upholding the right system for the future that lies ahead of us? Or is it time to re-evaluate our ideas about what leadership should be and who should be leading us?

We’ve gotten so used to the outdated, power-hungry, male dominated leadership of the world’s dominant cultures that I’m worried many of us don’t even question the possibility of changing the system of leadership altogether. At the moment we are like fish swimming in the water of leadership that isn’t working and like fish in water, we don’t see how it could be different. We were born into it, educated by it, fed (literally) by it. We work in it and for it….

One voice that I believe is needed more than any in the world today is the voice of the crone, the wise woman, the hag whatever you want to call her. BUT, and there’s one big BUT, we don’t become wise women or crones or hags without diving deep into ourselves and into the underworld.

We don’t become wise women, crones, or hags if we don’t face the deepest, darkest female shadow hidden within each of us. And if we don’t reclaim the part of the feminine that has been in hiding within us all to prevent humanity from destroying her – yes that part. We need to go deep and retrieve the crone, the hag, the wise woman in each of us.

We need a framework, a roadmap to do that, which is why, years ago, I traced my own journey using the alchemical stages as my map. Since then, I have guided many women through it and as each woman brings her own unique story to the cauldron. The map gets stronger and the crones, the wise women and the hags are born.

If you’ve been wondering how to find your crone, hag or wise woman voice join me and the next cohort of women who will be reclaiming their dark goddess, their voice of authentic leadership in the Alchemy of Menopause, live online program that begins mid-March.

Let’s make National Leadership Day the day we honor a leadership that has personal and collective healing for now and the next seven generations at the heart of its memorandum.



I raise up my voice – not so that I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard.” Malala Yousafzai

Hi we're Cathy Skipper & Florian Birkmayer MD

We are teachers & coaches of soul growth to live your best life. We are AromaGnosis.

We combine a deep perspective, incorporating ancestral healing, psychedelic therapy, aromas and a hands-on roadmap of the psyche for transformational healing and growth by getting your ego and shadow to collaborate instead of undermining each other. Remove long-standing blockages and live your best life.

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