
Hi we're Cathy Skipper & Florian Birkmayer MD

Six Ways Ancestral Healing Helps Us Heal Effectively

Published 7 months ago • 2 min read

Dear Reader,

As we are approaching the time of the year when the veil is at its thinnest, we thought we would share with you six ways in which ancestral work helps us heal effectively.

1) We did not arrive from outer space. It is egotistical to think of ourselves as individuals completely separated from those whose shoulders we are standing on. We are part of an ancestral tree that is a living system. In the same way that we inherited out physical bodies from our ancestors, we inherited the whole of our psyche from them. If on our own healing journeys, we or practitioners working with others fail to see ourselves and our clients as part of a larger system that goes back at least four or five generations, we are not seeing the whole picture. We need to be aware of the unintegrated trauma patterns that we have inherited from our ancestors.

2) Even if someone can isolate a particular trauma in their lifetime, these personal traumas are in most cases echoes from the ancestral past. Being unconscious of something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. If we bring awareness once again to the unintegrated traumas that are still active in our lineage, we can gain more information about what is happening to the family system and the healing can ripple backwards as well as forwards.

3) When we see the pattern of trauma and outdated beliefs rippling down our lineages, it is easier to see how our communities and countries also suffer from collective ancestral trauma. If we take responsibility for our own lineages, it ripples out to the communities that resonate with our own stories helping heal the world.

4) We often do not realize that what comes from our unconscious inheritance has the most weight and effect on our childre, more than all the things we are conscious of. The more we work on the unfinished stories of our ancestry, the less we unconsciously ask our children to carry them.

5) When we connect with and build a conscious relationship with our healthy ancestors or ancestral guides, they help us, guide us, and do their part of the work the other side of the veil. The relationship we build with them is a fundamental aspect of inner healing and becoming whole.

6) Trauma that has not been processed, through feeling, doesn’t go away. ("You have to feel it to heal it.") It carries on rolling through the generations and intensifies with each generation, until someone eventually makes it conscious, takes responsibility by feeling the feelings and together with the unconscious re-writes the narrative. This is deep, effective healing rather than just putting a bandage on the wounds.

If you're ready to deepen your relationship with your ancestors, because you understand how central this is to soul healing, here's a free guided meditation video to connect with a healthy ancestor.

If you are ready to transform longstanding, frustrating emotional and mental patterns (that didn't start with you), we want to encourage you to subscribe to our Ancestral Healing Subscription. Every month for 5 months you receive a box of essential oils and other allies, an in-depth manual and videos with explanations and guided meditation, mailed to your home. It's hands-on, practical and holistic. Even though the subscription is only five months, the benefits are life-long, also healing your ancestors and future generations and interrupting the unconscious inheritance of trauma.

We are also teaching a brief introductory class, online, on the Wounded Healer, which is central to our approach, on November 13 & 20 (2h each).



Hi we're Cathy Skipper & Florian Birkmayer MD

We are teachers & coaches of soul growth to live your best life. We are AromaGnosis.

We combine a deep perspective, incorporating ancestral healing, psychedelic therapy, aromas and a hands-on roadmap of the psyche for transformational healing and growth by getting your ego and shadow to collaborate instead of undermining each other. Remove long-standing blockages and live your best life.

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