Whose voice are you listening to?

Dear Reader,

As perimenopause and menopause go from being taboo to hot, talked about subjects, I think it’s interesting to look at what we tell ourselves about this midlife phase in our lives. I believe women need to reclaim this transformational period and this means not just talking about it more, but honing in on where our beliefs and attitudes towards it stem from.

Self-talk is a science in that psychologists have studied the internal conversations we have with ourselves and have found that they play a major part in our self-awareness and self-regulation. And a lot of this self-talk doesn’t come from our conscious awareness but from our unconscious. Positive self-talk can help us succeed in life and feel good about ourselves. Negative self-talk on the other hand can reinforce ideas, biases, social norms that do not reflect the best version of our future reality.

As we are only recently giving menopause, the space and place it deserves in the collective psyche, I think we need to be aware that we are all carrying outdated, patriarchal attitudes towards it. Attitudes that were put in place generations before us. We may have changed our outer view of menopause, but this doesn’t necessarily mean we have done enough to change the inner, unconscious voices that control our emotions and behaviors.

This is one of the reasons, I believe middle aged women spend so much money on pills, treatments, plans all geared to keeping them young-looking. They believe that women can be bad ass as they get older and deserve to be ‘seen’, ‘heard’ and honored as wise elders, but an inner voice is still telling them that society will reject them, judge them and disempower then if they lose their youthfulness.

Recognizing and reversing this negative self-talk is the first stage in contacting a truer, freer, more empowered version of ourselves as we reach midlife. But it isn’t enough, and it doesn’t just pop out of nowhere because we desire it. We need to learn it, discover how it operates, speaks to us, resonates with who we really are as women. We need a framework that helps us change the outdated, archaic inner attitudes and biases about elder women. We need to understand our uniquely feminine processes to know how to heal ourselves from generations of patriarchal thinking and step into a new, fresh, version of midlife and beyond.

We need a new language, a new self-talk and a new vision of what it is to be a wise elder woman from 2024 onwards. And only then we can birth this new version of ourselves.

The next dates for The Alchemy of Menopause have just been released. We haven't started offering sign ups yet, but I hope you join the waitlist, so that you can be the first to sign up.

Learn to recognize and navigate an inner landscape that is truly feminine. A journey that will help you reclaim a deeply wise self-talk around conscious aging and a meaningful, empowering future.


Hi we're Cathy Skipper & Florian Birkmayer MD

We combine a deep perspective, incorporating ancestral healing, psychedelic therapy, aromas and a hands-on roadmap of the psyche for transformational healing and growth by getting your ego and shadow to collaborate instead of undermining each other. Remove long-standing blockages and live your best life.

Read more from Hi we're Cathy Skipper & Florian Birkmayer MD

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